What is an NFT?

Let's start with the basic, NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token which represents a unit of data stored on the blockchain. For example, unlike NFT, Bitcoin and Ethereum are fungible, meaning they can be replaced or exchanged with another identical one of the same value, much like a dollar bill. On the other hand, NFTs are unique and non-interchangeable which means no two NFTs are the same. Usually, they are associated with items such as photos, videos, audio and other types of digital files.

How do NFTs and Smart Watches work?

You might be surprised, but there are multiple ways in which watches can interact with crypto and NFTs. One option is simply converting the image of your NFT to one that fits your smart watch, another is to build a watch entirely around NFTs. Let’s look at a few examples:

NFTs for your Watch

It is quite obvious, right? A wallpaper on your watch with the image of your NFT on display on your wrist, showing it off everywhere you go. You can browse and buy one if you want, but using a platform like Facer you can also turn your own NFTs into a vibrant face for your smart watch, even design the time & date's appearance and position on top of the art. There are projects which focus solely on NFT creation for the purpose of using it as a face for your watch, like Watch Skins where you use an app, or the Luxury Watch Gang.

Watches designed with NFTs in mind

Where the NFT could be just the certificate of authenticity you get for the watch you bought, like they do at 4K or Wisekey, or a smart watch created specifically for displaying NFTs directly from your wallet, like they promise at Crypto Watches and their collaboration with Watch Skins. There will be greater and greater choices as the industry grows, with multiple opportunities for NFTs and timepieces to synergize. Come back often to read more news about the marriage between NFTs and watches.

Top NFT Watches

WisekeyOn auction
Sm-artnftOn auction
Luxe WatchesMarketplace
Luxury Watch GangComing Soon Minting with a price of 0,75 SOL
Crypto WatchesComing Soon Drops
Watch SkinsComing Soon Drops


How to buy

On auction

Official website


How to buy

On auction

Official website
Read More

Luxe Watches

How to buy


Official website

Luxury Watch Gang

How to buy

Coming Soon Minting with a price of 0,75 SOL

Official website


How to buy


Official website

Crypto Watches

How to buy

Coming Soon Drops

Official website

Watch Skins

How to buy

Coming Soon Drops

Official website

Which NFT Watch best fits you?

Watches are part of our life, and they serve not only to know the exact time of the day. They should be good-looking and preferably of excellent quality. But what else should we consider when buying a new NFT watch?

One of the most important things after fashion and practicality are the technical aspects. We should take into account the specifications of the watch like battery life and lifetime, available apps, updates, memory, screen resolution, processor speed and so on. Other options such as water resistance or shock-proof and band quality are important too. Ideally, we would like to buy an NFT watch that will last longer and not be scratched or broken easily.

NFT Smartwatch Marketplace

From our NFT Watches marketplace you can find a variety of smart watches, filtered by brand, design or personal occasions (such as weddings or VIP meetings) that express your style and personality. Every one of these watches has the possibility to integrate your own NFT image or video file so that you can create a unique combination that is one of a kind.

Buy an NFT Smartwatch

We offer you a variety of luxury and everyday use watches. You can buy a smartwatch using fiat money or cryptocurrency, depending on the producer. Just select your preferred brand, style, or price range.

Buy an NFT Smartwatch Without Cash

If you select a luxury brand NFT Watch but your cash is held up elsewhere – our partners are happy to provide you with a fast loan at a preferred interest rate.

Rent an NFT Smartwatch

If you have a special occasion where you want to impress, such as a wedding or closing of an important business deal, you can also rent a smartwatch from us! In this case you can pay only a small portion of the watch itself only for the time you have used it and then return it back to us.

Sell an NFT Smartwatch

Smart watches integrated with high value NFTs are considered as investments. The value is likely to grow over time and their price might reach a level that is attractive enough for you to sell it. We are glad to offer you the opportunity to use our trading platform on which you can place an offer or tender to buy or sell your unique NFT piece of techno-art.

Buy NFTs For Smartwatches

You can explore and review our pre-selected NFT art that fits the design of a smartwatch from our collection. If you purchase both a smartwatch and NFT from our marketplace we will provide you with a special discount!

Frequently Asked Questions

Common questions about NFT smart watches:

About Us

A small, boutique team of dedicated minds, constantly digging into the NFT industry so that we provide up-to-date information and high-end software to our passionate users (like ourselves).

Among us there are specialists in several fields including behavioral and social psychology, engineering, NFTs and crypto/blockchain technology, nanotechnology and user experience specialists.

Contact Us Here!